Thursday, March 27, 2008

CI Factory

Wow! Continuous integration out of the box. Everything integrated! Just install and configure it! CI Factory

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Why can't I throws an exception in .Net?

I used to belong to the camp that says that throwsing exception in Java is useless and you would rather not catch any exception until in the outer program catching all exceptions. Now working on the code I see a lot of random "catch all" statements that were originally meant to catch only OracleException or ParseException, but eventually that knowledge was forgotten and we started also swallowing other exceptions that we did not intend to do in the beginning. Thus if there is a problem in the code I cannot diagnose it until I start debugging it.

Instead if, like in Java, the methods were throwsing the exceptions forcing the client methods to catch them or to throws them further the developer's task would be much easier figuring out what exceptions need to be caught or rethrown.